CC's Concealed Carry Training

Bobby D. Clakley, Owner

CC’s Concealed Carry Training serves individuals within Austin, Texas and surrounding areas to include Westlake, Bee Caves, Lakeway, Oak Hill, Marble Falls, and Burnet. The following types of training are available.

  • Texas License to Carry class (LTC) – Texas License to Carry a Handgun Laws
  • Basic Handgun class – covers care, cleaning, maintenance and use – does not include LTC training
  • LTC 101 Range Qualification Only 

For a detailed description of a class, click

Payments are accepted through PayPal either using your own PayPal account or credit card.

Class size will be limited in order to provide a more personalized training environment with an emphasis on safety.

CC’s Concealed Carry will travel up to fifty (50) miles from the Austin area for a party of four or more people.  Please contact the office at (512) 775-8804 or e-mail us at


to discuss arrangements.

The gun range fee is included in the cost for the instruction. 

Concealed Carry Corner: Vehicle Carry Mistakes To Avoid (The Firearm Blog)

Top 5 Drills to Train at an Indoor Shooting Range by Tactical Hyve

"...Regardless of whether you are training or practicing you need to able to toss lead downrange and for many of us, you may be stuck with an indoor shooting range."

Think it’s ok to leave your gun behind or neglect training? Statistically speaking…by Buckeye Firearms Association

"...statistics show that most of you do not carry a gun on a regular basis and you do not seek any additional training beyond your first firearms class. The reasons for this vary from being too busy to bother with training, not having the money to pay for additional...

Skill Set: Targets by Tactical Wire

"Part of learning how to defend yourself with a firearm is learning how to shoot it accurately. In the beginning you’re focusing on the fundamentals of marksmanship, or zeroing a weapon, so there’s nothing wrong with using “bulls eye” type targets. At some point you...

Steel Shoot

  When: June 27, 2020, 8:00 am to 3:00 p.m. Where:  Lone Star Range & Academy, LLC, 10000 N. US 183, Florence, Texas Cost: $45.00 (includes range fees) Join us June 27th for a day of fun shooting steel. 

7 Steps to Save a Life by Mountain Man Medical

"Panic can come from not knowing what to do. We can keep from panicking by having a plan and knowing some steps to be aware of can help our planning process under stress." This video covers: "Step 1: Call 911 Step 2: Scene Safety Step 3: Control Bleeding Step 4:...

Results of a 4 Year Handgun Red Dot Study by Sage Dynamics by Locked Back

"Handgun red dot sights are all the rage these days...As technology improves, micro red dots durability improves, and batteries last longer – the pistol red dot is only going to get more popular... To prove that point, Aaron Cowan from Sage Dynamics has spend the last...

New Gun, Now What? by The Well Armed Woman

"You have already thought about what it means to own a gun and all that this entails. You also have thought about what it would take for you to use your gun in a self-defense situation and determined that yes, you could use it if your life or the life of a loved one...

Practice the Draw Stroke(s): There Are More than One by Reflex Handgun

"You really need to practice your draw stroke, from concealment, and do it often.  It is, perhaps, the most essential skill related to the defensive handgun.  However, there are a number of variations on this draw stroke, and I am referring here only to the draw from...

Your Tactical Training Scenario- Surprise Attack by Active Response Training

"Have you ever been hit in the head?  How did you perform immediately after it happened? Now imagine being hit in the back of the head with a hammer.  Do you still think you could make your sub- one second draw? Look at what happened to this guy." Read More